Not everyone knows the key differences between traditional insurance and Group Captive insurance, and for many business owners, this makes it challenging when deciding which one to go with. No matter what you're in the business of, having the proper insurance that best suits your needs and protects your business is a number one priority. While both methods can benefit your business, there has been a recent trend in people taking the Group Captive route due to its wide range of benefits.
Keep reading to learn more about the key differences between traditional insurance and Group Captive insurance.
Now that you understand both the benefits and challenges of traditional insurance, let's explore Group Captive insurance and learn why so many business owners are making the switch.
Cons of Group Captive Insurance
Whether you end up going with traditional or Group Captive insurance is completely based on the needs of your business. For business owners looking to see more predictability and profit from their insurance then joining a Group Captive is the perfect opportunity. But for smaller business owners, joining a Group Captive may not be something that they are ready for yet, which makes traditional insurance a great option.
The benefits of joining a Group Captive are very clear, which is why so many people are taking the leap and deciding to put their insurance into their own hands.
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